Candlelight Walk

Since 1984, contributions by an individual or organization to the well-being of the community have been recognized by honoring them as the year’s community candlelighting honoree. In 2001, Loren Veigel introduced the concept of adding a church walk, which has attracted at least 2000 guests each year.
This year, the event will take place from 5:00–9:00pm on December 7, 2025.

The evening’s finale will be held at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, where organ holiday selections performed by Mark Thewes will fill the sanctuary before the 7:45 program. It will include the ceremonial community candlelighting and music by the Washington High School choir and Washingtonians directed by Kelli Riley; the Divine Mercy Parish choirs; and the darling third-grade 16th Street Singers under the direction of Julie Dewald.

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, St. George Greek Orthodox Church, St. John’s United Church of Christ, Central Presbyterian Church, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and First United Methodist Church will present nearly continuous music. Some churches will intersperse their music with church tours or storytelling. Many will be decorated for Christmas and offer refreshments.
Throughout the walk, walkers can stop in the Massillon Museum’s Gessner Hall for complimentary cookies, coffee, cocoa, and tea. Live music will entertain them as they sample sweets and get warm.
Massillon Public Library’s impressive rotunda will host live music and light refreshments.
The Lions Lincoln Theatre will host live music in its lobby.
Massillon Railroad Club, located in the lower level of the First United Methodist Church, will have O-gauge trains running, many depicting lines that ran through Massillon. The entrance is at the back of the church on Third Street SE.
About 900 luminarias will light the bricks of historic Fourth Street, leading to the Five Oaks mansion, where Massillon Heritage Foundation and Massillon Woman’s Club members will offer refreshments and live music amidst the mansion’s stunning architecture and lush holiday decorations.
Prior to the Community Candlelight Walk (4:00 to 5:00 pm), Grace United Church of Christ will present music by the Tuslaw and Northwest high school show choirs. Massillon Connections Church will present a brief puppet play several times during the walk.
Loren Veigel, Kathy Shultz, Rick and Patty Dalsky, Debbie Busby, and Margy Vogt organize the event.
Massillon Eagles #190, Aqua Ohio, Visit Canton, Home Appliance, Farmers National Bank, Paquelet Funeral Home, Matt and Ellie Hull, Massillon WestStark Chamber of Commerce, Buehler’s Fresh Foods, and BJ’s.