DEAI Statement of Intention

Statement of Intention regarding Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion:
Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) are all interconnected.
Massillon Museum’s staff and board of directors developed this statement to define our culture, provide guidelines, and hold accountability for our actions, decisions, and efforts to live our mission as a cultural hub. Other museum policies further explore important tenets of our belief in fostering a space in which DEAI thrive. Committees within the Museum allow for facets of this document to be explored with greater specificity. This statement was created to reflect our efforts to create a culture of museum advocates and our desire to build trust. It is intended to be revisited frequently to ensure flexibility in assessing and implementing content and actions as the scope of DEAI initiatives evolve within society.
The Massillon Museum implements diversity through the nurturing of acceptance and acknowledgement of the vast and beautiful differences that construct our world, as represented in members of our community, our patrons and supporters, volunteers, staff, and board members; in style, subject matter, and material of artwork; in programming for a wide range of ages and skill sets; in collections and archives; in exhibition content and presentation; and in provision of broad opportunities for participation and engagement.
The Massillon Museum implements equity through respecting language associated with identity throughout all forms of communication; in the context of exhibitions, programming, interpretation, marketing, and advocacy; and through facilitation and modification of program offerings and program composition for all abilities.
The Massillon Museum implements accessibility by providing physical and sensory accommodations; by making its programs available across a variety of platforms and communication channels; by eagerly accepting and providing new information and knowledge, listening, and hearing; through its practice of hiring and recruiting of staff, volunteers, and board members; through social media and website presentation; and through exhibition interpretation.
The Massillon Museum implements inclusion through removal of barriers to access, be they financial, physical, actual, or perceived, and as promotion of an environment in which everyone is welcome and admission is always free. This concept is manifested through being open to feedback; echoing diversity in our partnerships with artists, organizations, individuals, and agencies; and by providing opportunities for volunteers and others to participate regardless of ability.
(Statement approved by the Board of Directors February 2021)