Emily Bartolone: On Its Head
July 27–September 8, 2024
Massillon-based artist Emily Bartolone explores, through her artworks, the intersection of shape and color and how those elements can express human experiences and relationships encountered in daily life.
A free, public reception for the artist will be held Saturday, August 17, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
A MassMusings podcast interview with Bartolone will be posted at 12:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, August 20, on the MassMu’s website and Spotify.
Emily Bartolone obtained her BFA from the University of Dayton, and her MFA from Kent State University. Her artwork has been shown at Project Gallery V, New York, the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center (Cincinnati), Abattoir Gallery(Cleveland), the Galleri Urbane (Dallas), the Oceanside Museum of Art (San Diego), and the St. Louis Artists’ Guild, among other venues. Her paintings have been featured in publications such as Art Hole (London), and Okay Cool Magazine (New York). Bartolone was awarded first place in the 2024 Miami University Young Painters Competition for the William and Dorothy Yeck Award.